


Section A1-C of Zakhiku Site


uncovering the multiple levels of an archaeological site that is believed to contain a royal burial chamber. Remarkably, the entire location was submerged under the Tigris River for at least 2000 years. The following image depicts the same site during the excavation process


The discovery of the ancient city of Zakhiku, believed to have been a part of the Mittani Empire, is a significant development in our understanding of the ancient Near East. The city was discovered by a team of German and Kurdish archaeologists who made use of early satellite data, which was provided by the Mysteria LIDAR discovery team.


The satellite data allowed the archaeologists to identify the site as a potential archaeological site and to map the landscape around the Tigris River. This information was then used to pinpoint the location of the city of Zakhiku, which was previously unknown. The archaeologists worked in collaboration with the Mysteria LIDAR discovery team to plan the excavation and analysis of the site.


The Mysteria LIDAR discovery team provided the technological solutions necessary for underground penetration, geographical and topological mapping, and archaeological analysis. The LIDAR technology allowed the archaeologists to gain a comprehensive understanding of the site and its significance.


The discovery of the city of Zakhiku is a significant example of how collaboration between different disciplines and the use of advanced technologies can lead to significant archaeological discoveries. The use of satellite data and LIDAR technology allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of the site, and the archaeological findings are likely to yield important insights into the history and culture of the Mittani Empire.


In conclusion, the discovery of the city of Zakhiku is a significant development in our understanding of the ancient Near East and the Mittani Empire. The collaborative efforts of German and Kurdish archaeologists and the Mysteria LIDAR discovery team, along with the use of satellite data and LIDAR technology, have provided important insights into the history and culture of the ancient world. The use of advanced technologies in archaeological research has the potential to lead to many more important discoveries in the future.


In addition to the joint archaeological mission, the discovery of the lost city of Sai Island also involved cutting-edge technology and expertise from the fields of satellite imaging and remote sensing. The Mysteria satellite, which is operated by the French Space Agency (CNES), played a key role in the discovery. Equipped with LIDAR (Laser Detection and Ranging) technology, the satellite was able to penetrate the dense vegetation that covers the island and provide high-resolution maps of the terrain. The satellite's LIDAR technology was able to create 3D images of the island's topography, which allowed archaeologists to identify areas of interest for excavation.


The LIDAR discovery team, which consisted of experts in satellite imaging and remote sensing, analyzed the data from the Mysteria satellite and identified several areas on the island that showed evidence of human activity. This led the team to the discovery of the lost city of Sai Island and the subsequent excavation and study of the site. The team's discovery of the lost city has yielded valuable insights into the cultural and economic exchanges that took place in the region over the course of millennia.


The city's strategic location along the Nile River made it an important center for trade between ancient Egypt and Nubia, and the discovery of several kilns on the site suggests that it was also an important center for pottery production. Archaeologists have also uncovered the remains of a large temple dedicated to the god Amun, which provides new insights into the religious practices of the city's inhabitants. The careful urban planning of the city, with streets, houses, and public buildings arranged in a grid-like pattern, also indicates that the city was a well-organized and prosperous community.