Site 237SY-D2



The discovery of a new archaeological site in Northern Syria is causing excitement among historians and archaeologists alike. The site is believed to date back to 1500BC, which was a time when the region was part of the Mitanni Empire.

The discovery of a new archaeological site in Northern Syria is causing excitement among historians and archaeologists alike. The site is believed to date back to 1500BC, which was a time when the region was part of the Mitanni Empire.


The Mitanni Empire was a kingdom in the Near East that existed from the mid-15th to the mid-14th century BC. It was one of the major powers of the region and was known for its military might and administrative efficiency. The empire was located in what is now northern Iraq, eastern Syria, and southeastern Turkey.


The newly discovered site is believed to be a ritual shrine that was engraved in the bedrock of the valley. The site consists of two entries, the main one from the East and the back one from the West. It also has a large patio in the main entrance and six small windows that are opened on the front patio. The main shrine room is still being explored, and it is hoped that further discoveries will be made.


The discovery of this site sheds new light on the religious practices of the Mitanni Empire. The Mitanni people were known for their worship of a pantheon of gods, including the god of the sky, the god of the earth, and the goddess of fertility. The shrine that has been discovered is believed to have been a place of worship for these gods.


The excavation team is made up of archaeologists and historians from both Syria and abroad. They have expressed their gratitude to the private property owner for allowing them access to the site, and to the Syrian authorities for their support and protection of the valuable historical sites in the country.


The discovery of this site is a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of the region and the importance of preserving it for future generations. The Mitanni Empire was one of the major powers of the region during its time, and its legacy can still be seen in the art, architecture, and religion of the area.


The excavation team is continuing to explore the site, and it is hoped that further discoveries will be made in the coming months and years. The discovery of this site is an exciting development for both historians and archaeologists, and it promises to provide valuable insights into the ancient history of the region.


Due to security concerns, the location of the site is not disclosed, and the ownership of the property remains with its current owner.